Alright, so today sucked. Like, not just a little, a lot. It's days like today when I have to pull myself out of my funk and realize that I really don't have it as bad as I think I do, and there are lots of others that have it worse than me.
I mean, I have my health, a job ( is what routinely causes all my stress), good friends and family, and countless other blessings.
Still, I allowed myself to wallow in the suck for at least 2 hours. They were 2 pretty decent hours because I wallowed in my bed while taking a post workday nap. So that was nice. But overall, today was not bueno. At all.
Which brings me to my point...why I run. Truly, the reason why....
I'm probably one of the most "high strung" people you will ever meet. Is "high strung" even the right phrase? Maybe not. Anywho, I am super high energy, extremely intense (I've been told I can suck the air outta a room...), very motivated, but also a worry wort in the grandest sense of the word. I am a self proclaimed "half-empty" who would rather be surprised when something turns out than get my hopes up and be crushed. NOW...this does not mean that I walk around with a storm cloud all the time...but if you catch me on the wrong day....
All that being said, running/exercise equalizes me. I didn't realize until a couple of years ago when I started exercising that something so simple could help improve my stress level. Well whatdoyaknow...running helps relieve my stress. A lot. Like A LOT A LOT. And usually, the more I run, the less stressed I am. Not going to lie, on days like today, when work and life in general looks downright unpleasant, I can run, and just stomp on all the things/people/situations that make me all frazzle-dazzled. One step at a time, I pound on people's faces (not know what I mean...). And it helps. Sometimes, I run and I just go blank. Either way, when I'm running, I always feel less stressed when done.
The past couple of weeks have been extremely stressful as I'm trying to juggle training, work, best friend's wedding, family visiting, random unexplained expenses popping up, etc. And since I got back from our Ultra Run in SA 2 weeks ago, I've been a ball of knots. I haven't run as much as I should have been. I've tried to recover slowly from that 39 mile jaunt so that my knee and legs are ready to ramp up mileage for the marathon in 7 weeks. But the lack of running definitely took a toll on my stress level. Soooo....I'm back on the wagon!
Tonight, Kristofor and I did about 4 miles. And Saturday, in San Antonio (made the 4 hour commute for the best friend's bachelorette party), I ran the absolute HILLIEST 7 mile trail run ever. Comanche Lookout Park Trails...ummm...yeah, they mean business. I almost died like 5 times. It was tough. Can I count that as this week's hill run? WHY YES I CAN. This week, I have to do another 5 miler, a 10-K at race pace, and a 16 miler.
I'm trying to compete in the Just Du It Duathlon on Sunday October 2nd. I need either a partner to bike the 18 miles, or a bike to borrow so I can bike the 18 and run the 6 miles. Let me know if you have a bike for me to borrow oooorrrrr if you wanna be my partner. No speed demons needed. I'm going to run my long run on Saturday early...(or Sunday I guess if I can't find a partner...) so I have no intention of being a "contender" in this race. I just think it would be fun! Lemme know!
Thanks for cheering me on!
The journal of a runner. A trainer. An Ironman triathlete. And a Do-er.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Stickers and T-shirts and Medals, OH MY!
It's been a little over a week since I've checked in, and on the running front, there isn't much to report. Tonight was my first post Ultra Marathon training run. And lemme tell ya...running 5 miles with hills, even after over a week off...I still felt a little rough around the edges. My husband said the same thing last night after a 5k. I think on some level I'm still recuperating.
Side Note: My sleep schedule is definitely still recuperating. After staying up that entire night, sleeping the whole day, then sleeping in, and jumping right into the work week...I'm downright wore out. I'm a late to bed, late to rise kind of girl, but lately, I've been in bed epic early. And out of bed epic late....Not sure what's going on there. Could I be *gasp* getting older??? Nah...
Anywho, I'm tired, and so are my stinking muscles. And my knee...Right Knee that is...
As I'm sitting here typing, Mr. Right Knee himself (my knee is a boy...) is getting some preferential ice treatment because he was none too happy about our 5 mile run tonight. The pain was not excruciating, and since I got an MRI in July and did PT on this SAME knee, I'm familiar with what is going on and what I need to do to fix it. Lucky me, my pain is chronic. And basically, the best way to fix it is:
Stretching my IT band
Quad strengthening wearing of heels, flats, flip flops, or any other stylish footwear other than running shoes or grandma orthopaedic shoes (I work in a professional-ish this is a challenge)
It's just a bit frustrating to have the same recurring problem after any long race (Mr. Knee first got pissed at Marathon attempt numero uno). But alas, the cards I'm dealt.
But on to some more exciting news.......
Let's talk about my new STICKER!!!
I know, I know, I KNOW that 99.999999% of the RGV will not know what "ULTRA" is referring to. Heck, I've had more people than I can count ask me "what is 26.2?" So, I'm quite aware that most will think that I am just a devoted Michelob Ultra drinker, or maybe that I'm Ultra cool, I dunno. But I doubt many will say "oh by golly gee, that is an ULTRA runner." But that's ok, because IIIIIIIIIII know what it means. And that stinking sticker made my day when it came in the mail. So what, I'm a sucker for a sticker and the t-shirts and the other rad swag you get when you do a race. It's the best part!!!!!! I run for 2 things 1. Tshirts 2. Medals. And a couple of weeks ago...I got a trophy, so I run for those too. That's what makes all of this so much fun, I think!
So this week, I'll be pounding out an 8 miler, and a 14 miler. God willing that Mr. Knee cooperates. I'll also be tearing it up with Renea tomorrow AND Thursday. WAHOOOO!!! And I've heard she has some new things in store for us training wise, so I'm quite stoked! I have my trusty marathon training schedule printed out and adhered to the fridge. And from here on out, I'll be following that...religiously. Especially on Sundays for my long runs :)! I'm just excited to get back on track after my very fun and rewarding detour!
Thanks for cheering me on!
Side Note: My sleep schedule is definitely still recuperating. After staying up that entire night, sleeping the whole day, then sleeping in, and jumping right into the work week...I'm downright wore out. I'm a late to bed, late to rise kind of girl, but lately, I've been in bed epic early. And out of bed epic late....Not sure what's going on there. Could I be *gasp* getting older??? Nah...
Anywho, I'm tired, and so are my stinking muscles. And my knee...Right Knee that is...
As I'm sitting here typing, Mr. Right Knee himself (my knee is a boy...) is getting some preferential ice treatment because he was none too happy about our 5 mile run tonight. The pain was not excruciating, and since I got an MRI in July and did PT on this SAME knee, I'm familiar with what is going on and what I need to do to fix it. Lucky me, my pain is chronic. And basically, the best way to fix it is:
Stretching my IT band
Quad strengthening wearing of heels, flats, flip flops, or any other stylish footwear other than running shoes or grandma orthopaedic shoes (I work in a professional-ish this is a challenge)
It's just a bit frustrating to have the same recurring problem after any long race (Mr. Knee first got pissed at Marathon attempt numero uno). But alas, the cards I'm dealt.
But on to some more exciting news.......
Let's talk about my new STICKER!!!
I know, I know, I KNOW that 99.999999% of the RGV will not know what "ULTRA" is referring to. Heck, I've had more people than I can count ask me "what is 26.2?" So, I'm quite aware that most will think that I am just a devoted Michelob Ultra drinker, or maybe that I'm Ultra cool, I dunno. But I doubt many will say "oh by golly gee, that is an ULTRA runner." But that's ok, because IIIIIIIIIII know what it means. And that stinking sticker made my day when it came in the mail. So what, I'm a sucker for a sticker and the t-shirts and the other rad swag you get when you do a race. It's the best part!!!!!! I run for 2 things 1. Tshirts 2. Medals. And a couple of weeks ago...I got a trophy, so I run for those too. That's what makes all of this so much fun, I think!
So this week, I'll be pounding out an 8 miler, and a 14 miler. God willing that Mr. Knee cooperates. I'll also be tearing it up with Renea tomorrow AND Thursday. WAHOOOO!!! And I've heard she has some new things in store for us training wise, so I'm quite stoked! I have my trusty marathon training schedule printed out and adhered to the fridge. And from here on out, I'll be following that...religiously. Especially on Sundays for my long runs :)! I'm just excited to get back on track after my very fun and rewarding detour!
Thanks for cheering me on!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
A night that I will NEVER FORGET
As of 7:11 am this morning, I completed 39 miles. My husband completed 41. It's been an emotional and tiring day full of excitement and gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of such an amazing event put on by the Soldier's Angels Foundation.
Yesterday, we arrived in San Antonio after our 4 hour drive, and we decided to go ahead and pick up our packets for the race later that evening. We walked into "Run On" and when we saw the list of runners, we were shocked to know that there were only 20 of us actually doing the full Ultra Marathon. Only 20 crazies signed up to run for over 9 hours. There were over 10 relay teams set to participate (9 person teams). We walked out with our swag bag wide eyed and even more nervous. What in the heck had I decided to do? ONLY 20, we really must be insane!
Checked into our hotel, and tried to lay down for a nap before the race. As you can imagine, Saturday's on the River Walk are quite popular. Trying to sleep in the afternoon turned out to be quite a challenge. Our neighbors started arguing and going at it about 30 minutes into our nap session. Then they proceeded to "go at it" in an entirely different way. Sooooo....we really didn't sleep much. Got up about 8, got dressed and all Body Glided up...
**Body Glide-the most amazing invention ever for a distance runner. After running longer distances, inevitably, things start to ummmm...rub together. This stuff prevents that. It is heaven in a deoderant looking stick. A must buy!
Shoes On, Numbers On...out the door we went. We promptly got lost on our way to Olmos Park. Made it to the start with less than 30 minutes to spare. PHEWWWWW...that was close. There was a band playing and people had set up tents and lawn chairs to watch us. Everyone seemed to have brought their dog, and the volunteers we had were second to none. Every time we ran around that loop towards the mile marker, they cheered. By the 5th hour, they knew us by name. It was amazing.
When the gun went off and we started, the crazy 20 Ultra Runners all stayed tightly packed together. Plodding along at a 10 minute mile pace, we all talked about how far we wanted to go, what was the plan, who had done this before. Wasn't long before we friended an Air Force Chemist named Brent who stuck with us for over 20 miles even though he had never run more than 13 miles prior to the race.
As the night went on, we all separated, and yes, Kristofor and I did exactly what we swore we wouldn't do. We ran, and didnt walk. We stopped after every mile for 1-2 minutes to stretch, grab water, grab a granola bar, or use the good ol' port-a-potty (Yuck. I felt disgusting by the end). But mostly, we ran. Quicker at first, then slower, then faster, but we kept running.
I began my typical bargaining tactics. I promised my knees, 27 miles. Run 27 miles, then you can walk. So that is what I did. We crossed the marathon mark about 5 hours and 15 minutes in, and I pounded out another mile. Then I started walking. Kristofor kept going and managed to get a mile ahead of me. I began power walking at about 14-16 minute mile paces. I continued to do this until Mile 38. Owwwww. Holy Jesus, it hurt. When I was running, my knees were aching and throbbing, with the walking, it was my ankles and feet that provided the pain. It is also important to note that with all of the wildfires in Central Texas this week, the air quality was not good. At times it was like running in a BBQ pit. The smell got stronger as the night wore on, but overall the weather was perfect, chilly even. We finished the race in 68 degree amazingness.
At mile 38, I decided, with 25 minutes left, that Mile 39 would be my last. I had finally hit the wall. And although, I wanted those 40 miles sooooo bad, I knew my body was done. The pain had taken over, and I was having trouble putting one foot in front of the other without stumbling. So at 7:02 am, I shuffled, very slowly across the finish line for the last time. I stretched as well as I could, and I cried. 9 hours of continuous movement done.
I didn't cry for the pain, I cried for the sheer magnitude of what I had done, and for what it was for. Watching firemen and police officers, veterans and active duty military do the relay and Ultra carrying boots, wearing fulll gear was so inspiring. And I was moved by how much we all came together to cheer each other on and finish strong. Not a mile went by that someone didn't tap me on the should and say "good job girl" or "keep moving keep moving." We were all cheerleaders last night, complete strangers, united to finish mile after mile.
It reminded me of 10 years ago. When the simple, kind human spirit was displayed fully by Americans in their heartfelt unity over the tragedy that was 9/11. Last night, I witnessed the kindness of strangers, the uniting of Americans to fulfull a purpose. And that experience will forever live with me. This morning, we took moments of silence for when the 1st and 2nd planes hit, and for the Pentagon and Flight 93 crashes as well. Emotion was all around, tears, and silence. As the Color Guard lifted the flag, and our National Anthem played, I have never been a more proud American. I am so blessed to have been a part of that experience.
When we got back to the hotel, I was not surprised to see that I have been gifted with 4 large blisters and 3 lost toenails. They hurt, but it was so worth it. I slept most the day, ate more Mexican food than humanly possible tonight, and now I sit in bed lacquered with BioFreeze (also amazing stuff) watching football.
It has been an amazing experience. I was proud to have done a little part to honor our country with my miles. I did have 14 names on my list last night, so thank you again for sending me the names. I ran 2+ miles for each of them :), the note carefully tucked in my mini fanny pack (so fashionable). This week, I'll be recouping and getting back on my original track of marathon training for November 13. It seems so much more doable since last night. I appreciate all the kind words and notes that have been sent to Kristofor and I over the past couple of days. When times got tough last night, thinking about them (or actually reading them on my mini-breaks) helped push me through. So Thank You.
And God Bless America.
Thanks for cheering me on,
Yesterday, we arrived in San Antonio after our 4 hour drive, and we decided to go ahead and pick up our packets for the race later that evening. We walked into "Run On" and when we saw the list of runners, we were shocked to know that there were only 20 of us actually doing the full Ultra Marathon. Only 20 crazies signed up to run for over 9 hours. There were over 10 relay teams set to participate (9 person teams). We walked out with our swag bag wide eyed and even more nervous. What in the heck had I decided to do? ONLY 20, we really must be insane!
Checked into our hotel, and tried to lay down for a nap before the race. As you can imagine, Saturday's on the River Walk are quite popular. Trying to sleep in the afternoon turned out to be quite a challenge. Our neighbors started arguing and going at it about 30 minutes into our nap session. Then they proceeded to "go at it" in an entirely different way. Sooooo....we really didn't sleep much. Got up about 8, got dressed and all Body Glided up...
**Body Glide-the most amazing invention ever for a distance runner. After running longer distances, inevitably, things start to ummmm...rub together. This stuff prevents that. It is heaven in a deoderant looking stick. A must buy!
Shoes On, Numbers On...out the door we went. We promptly got lost on our way to Olmos Park. Made it to the start with less than 30 minutes to spare. PHEWWWWW...that was close. There was a band playing and people had set up tents and lawn chairs to watch us. Everyone seemed to have brought their dog, and the volunteers we had were second to none. Every time we ran around that loop towards the mile marker, they cheered. By the 5th hour, they knew us by name. It was amazing.
When the gun went off and we started, the crazy 20 Ultra Runners all stayed tightly packed together. Plodding along at a 10 minute mile pace, we all talked about how far we wanted to go, what was the plan, who had done this before. Wasn't long before we friended an Air Force Chemist named Brent who stuck with us for over 20 miles even though he had never run more than 13 miles prior to the race.
As the night went on, we all separated, and yes, Kristofor and I did exactly what we swore we wouldn't do. We ran, and didnt walk. We stopped after every mile for 1-2 minutes to stretch, grab water, grab a granola bar, or use the good ol' port-a-potty (Yuck. I felt disgusting by the end). But mostly, we ran. Quicker at first, then slower, then faster, but we kept running.
I began my typical bargaining tactics. I promised my knees, 27 miles. Run 27 miles, then you can walk. So that is what I did. We crossed the marathon mark about 5 hours and 15 minutes in, and I pounded out another mile. Then I started walking. Kristofor kept going and managed to get a mile ahead of me. I began power walking at about 14-16 minute mile paces. I continued to do this until Mile 38. Owwwww. Holy Jesus, it hurt. When I was running, my knees were aching and throbbing, with the walking, it was my ankles and feet that provided the pain. It is also important to note that with all of the wildfires in Central Texas this week, the air quality was not good. At times it was like running in a BBQ pit. The smell got stronger as the night wore on, but overall the weather was perfect, chilly even. We finished the race in 68 degree amazingness.
At mile 38, I decided, with 25 minutes left, that Mile 39 would be my last. I had finally hit the wall. And although, I wanted those 40 miles sooooo bad, I knew my body was done. The pain had taken over, and I was having trouble putting one foot in front of the other without stumbling. So at 7:02 am, I shuffled, very slowly across the finish line for the last time. I stretched as well as I could, and I cried. 9 hours of continuous movement done.
I didn't cry for the pain, I cried for the sheer magnitude of what I had done, and for what it was for. Watching firemen and police officers, veterans and active duty military do the relay and Ultra carrying boots, wearing fulll gear was so inspiring. And I was moved by how much we all came together to cheer each other on and finish strong. Not a mile went by that someone didn't tap me on the should and say "good job girl" or "keep moving keep moving." We were all cheerleaders last night, complete strangers, united to finish mile after mile.
It reminded me of 10 years ago. When the simple, kind human spirit was displayed fully by Americans in their heartfelt unity over the tragedy that was 9/11. Last night, I witnessed the kindness of strangers, the uniting of Americans to fulfull a purpose. And that experience will forever live with me. This morning, we took moments of silence for when the 1st and 2nd planes hit, and for the Pentagon and Flight 93 crashes as well. Emotion was all around, tears, and silence. As the Color Guard lifted the flag, and our National Anthem played, I have never been a more proud American. I am so blessed to have been a part of that experience.
When we got back to the hotel, I was not surprised to see that I have been gifted with 4 large blisters and 3 lost toenails. They hurt, but it was so worth it. I slept most the day, ate more Mexican food than humanly possible tonight, and now I sit in bed lacquered with BioFreeze (also amazing stuff) watching football.
It has been an amazing experience. I was proud to have done a little part to honor our country with my miles. I did have 14 names on my list last night, so thank you again for sending me the names. I ran 2+ miles for each of them :), the note carefully tucked in my mini fanny pack (so fashionable). This week, I'll be recouping and getting back on my original track of marathon training for November 13. It seems so much more doable since last night. I appreciate all the kind words and notes that have been sent to Kristofor and I over the past couple of days. When times got tough last night, thinking about them (or actually reading them on my mini-breaks) helped push me through. So Thank You.
And God Bless America.
Thanks for cheering me on,
Friday, September 9, 2011
Relaxed and Ready to go!
Less than 27 hours until race time!
Last night, we made our jersey's that we'll wear tomorrow night! Here's mine....
The 343 signifies the number of firefighters that perished in the Tower 1 and Tower 2 attacks in New York City on September 11, 2001.
"Let's Roll" is a catchphrase that became known after the attack of 9/11. Todd Beamer, a passenger on the hijacked Flight 93, used the phrase as his last audible words (with a phone operator) before he and a group of other passenger's began to try to take on the hijackers. It was then famously used in a speech by President George W. Bush in his 2002 State of the Union address. Since, then, it has been used as a battle cry by many in reference to the events of 9/11. (
Kristofor also has a nifty jersey with the #72 on it, signifying the number of fallen police officers, and the slogan "In Valor There Is Hope" emblazoned on the back.
I have a few names on my list to carry with me for tomorrow. I am running with names of those that have fought or are fighting for our country, as well as the names of any lives lost in the 9/11 attacks. If you'd like me to run a mile for your loved one, in honor or in rememberance, I am happy to do so! Just email them to me at, or FB me or leave me a comment here.
Gonna keep it short tonight, I'll check in tomorrow before we head to the race!
Thanks for cheering me on!
PS! A BIG thank you to the girls at Desiree's Spa and Massage for getting me all loose and relaxed before tomorrow...My muscles thank you tons!!
Last night, we made our jersey's that we'll wear tomorrow night! Here's mine....
The 343 signifies the number of firefighters that perished in the Tower 1 and Tower 2 attacks in New York City on September 11, 2001.
"Let's Roll" is a catchphrase that became known after the attack of 9/11. Todd Beamer, a passenger on the hijacked Flight 93, used the phrase as his last audible words (with a phone operator) before he and a group of other passenger's began to try to take on the hijackers. It was then famously used in a speech by President George W. Bush in his 2002 State of the Union address. Since, then, it has been used as a battle cry by many in reference to the events of 9/11. (
Kristofor also has a nifty jersey with the #72 on it, signifying the number of fallen police officers, and the slogan "In Valor There Is Hope" emblazoned on the back.
I have a few names on my list to carry with me for tomorrow. I am running with names of those that have fought or are fighting for our country, as well as the names of any lives lost in the 9/11 attacks. If you'd like me to run a mile for your loved one, in honor or in rememberance, I am happy to do so! Just email them to me at, or FB me or leave me a comment here.
Gonna keep it short tonight, I'll check in tomorrow before we head to the race!
Thanks for cheering me on!
PS! A BIG thank you to the girls at Desiree's Spa and Massage for getting me all loose and relaxed before tomorrow...My muscles thank you tons!!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
72 hours and eating
T-Minus 72 hours until I embark on my first Ultra Marathon experience. I'm starting to get nervous, butterflies showing up in my tummy. And I'm completely ravenous. If I had absolutely no self control, I'd be elbows deep in the 2 gallon bucket of cheese balls that are tighly placed away in our pantry. Instead, I've tried to tether my longing for cheeseballs, cheese cake (which I did have today), cheese pizza (see a pattern here), etc. Instead I just scarfed a grilled chicken salad but splurged with a small fry (hey...they're carbs...). Anyways, I'm hungry, and I think my internal clock knows that I'm about to put it through it's toughest test thus far.
This past weekend, my husband and I traveled to Austin so that he could compete in his 2nd Olympic Triathlon. He did so well AND raised over $1100 for The Livestrong Foundation. It was great seeing him finish strong and also help a teammate that was struggling towards the last leg of the race. Multi-Sport racing is an entirely different animal from what I can tell, and it seems to be much more testosterone charged (see large muscular men finishing and making loud yells and grunting sounds). For goodness sakes, my husband got kicked in the face in the first 5 minutes of the swim and has a small shiner. He had to swim a mile after that...then bike 25...then run 6. That's insane. Soooo....Kristofor, I love you and I'm very proud of you!
ALSO this past weekend (before the Austin trip), Kristofor and I ran a 10k....ANNDDDDDDDDD....
I WON A TROPHY! 2nd PLACE! Please excuse my excitement, I have not won a trophy since 4th grade UIL. Seriously. I'm so dang proud of that trophy, you'd think I won the gold medal at the Olympics. Seriously, I'm stoked. Who knows if I'll ever win another, but bygod, I won that one, and I'm one happy camper. :)
So back to Austin...I knew I couldn't just take the long weekend off, so I was "that girl" and ran in the hotel gym. I was not a fan of their treadmill, mine is much better. And on Monday morning, I had a nice run from our hotel to the site of the Triathlon finish line. I counted that as my "hill run" because well...Austin has hills. And downtown Austin goes up and down up and down. It was strange to be running at 8 am past all the bars that were packed to the brim a few hours before. But it was a beautiful morning, and a nice change of scenery.
Overall this week, I will be taking it easy-er than normal in preparation. Tonight, I ran 3 miles with my beautiful friend, Klaudia-Lou, and it was great to have girl chat while getting in a run. Tomorrow I train with Renea (WAHOO!), and Friday I'll probably do an hour long stretch session and a light walk. Going into Saturday, I want my legs fresh, my mind clear, and my spirit ready. I absolutely cannot wait!
Please let me know if you have someone that you'd like me to run a mile for. I'm honored and happy to do so. And thank you everyone for the song suggestions. You will be happy to know that I downloaded a TON of new tunes and I firmly believe they helped with my big win Saturday. So Muchas Gracias!
Keep us in your thoughts over the next few days. I know that I've been trying to reflect on the reason we are doing this event; to remember those that perished and survived that tragic day in American History, and to honor those that have fought and are fighting for our country in it's aftermath. I'm so pumped to get to that track. I know it's going to be a life changing experience!
Thanks for cheering me on!
This past weekend, my husband and I traveled to Austin so that he could compete in his 2nd Olympic Triathlon. He did so well AND raised over $1100 for The Livestrong Foundation. It was great seeing him finish strong and also help a teammate that was struggling towards the last leg of the race. Multi-Sport racing is an entirely different animal from what I can tell, and it seems to be much more testosterone charged (see large muscular men finishing and making loud yells and grunting sounds). For goodness sakes, my husband got kicked in the face in the first 5 minutes of the swim and has a small shiner. He had to swim a mile after that...then bike 25...then run 6. That's insane. Soooo....Kristofor, I love you and I'm very proud of you!
ALSO this past weekend (before the Austin trip), Kristofor and I ran a 10k....ANNDDDDDDDDD....
I WON A TROPHY! 2nd PLACE! Please excuse my excitement, I have not won a trophy since 4th grade UIL. Seriously. I'm so dang proud of that trophy, you'd think I won the gold medal at the Olympics. Seriously, I'm stoked. Who knows if I'll ever win another, but bygod, I won that one, and I'm one happy camper. :)
So back to Austin...I knew I couldn't just take the long weekend off, so I was "that girl" and ran in the hotel gym. I was not a fan of their treadmill, mine is much better. And on Monday morning, I had a nice run from our hotel to the site of the Triathlon finish line. I counted that as my "hill run" because well...Austin has hills. And downtown Austin goes up and down up and down. It was strange to be running at 8 am past all the bars that were packed to the brim a few hours before. But it was a beautiful morning, and a nice change of scenery.
Overall this week, I will be taking it easy-er than normal in preparation. Tonight, I ran 3 miles with my beautiful friend, Klaudia-Lou, and it was great to have girl chat while getting in a run. Tomorrow I train with Renea (WAHOO!), and Friday I'll probably do an hour long stretch session and a light walk. Going into Saturday, I want my legs fresh, my mind clear, and my spirit ready. I absolutely cannot wait!
Please let me know if you have someone that you'd like me to run a mile for. I'm honored and happy to do so. And thank you everyone for the song suggestions. You will be happy to know that I downloaded a TON of new tunes and I firmly believe they helped with my big win Saturday. So Muchas Gracias!
Keep us in your thoughts over the next few days. I know that I've been trying to reflect on the reason we are doing this event; to remember those that perished and survived that tragic day in American History, and to honor those that have fought and are fighting for our country in it's aftermath. I'm so pumped to get to that track. I know it's going to be a life changing experience!
Thanks for cheering me on!
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