Happy New Year Everyone! I feel like it has been ages since I've last updated this blog. Last time I checked in, I had just finished my second full marathon. I was riding the "runner's high" of surpassing my PR, and looking forward to my next big race on February 19th. Since November, my focus has not been so much on MY training, BUT on training others, and I couldn't be happier about that.
I spent the Thanksgiving holiday with my husband and family, and as usual getting our home ready for the Christmas holiday. On actual Thanksgiving Day, I prepared a small meal for just Kristofor and I, as we didn't have our big family gathering until Friday. Little did I know then, that Friday would be the day of many new beginnings for me in more ways than one.
In mid October, I was approached by my trainer and fabulous friend, Renea, about coaching a team of new runners. With the help of another wonderful lady, Irma, and my husband, we embarked on creating the Bod Squad (and Bro Squad) Running Team. Together, since our first practice on November 28th, we've been hosting 8 sessions per week and training 23 teammates to compete in their first races. We have a 5k group, a 10k group, and a half marathon group. And I'm happy to report that the latter two groups have just about merged, because almost all of our 10kers are on pace and ready to do a half marathon in the next month or so. I could go on for days about how rewarding this experience has been....so I just might!
Never had I ever imagined that this undertaking would turn out to be one of the toughest but most rewarding ventures of my entire life. Looking back on the past 6 weeks or so, I can't think of another time when I have felt more tested, but more fulfilled with a purpose. Watching my team members make sacrifices to come to practice, put in the time (all during the holiday season...) has been so rewarding. Every session from start to now has been different, exciting, challenging, and motivating for me in ways that I never thought possible. But lets talk about them....!
On day one, and that entire first week, it was almost like being a teacher on the first day of school. Our pupils arrived nervous, anxious, and unsure of what we had planned for them. Not a single one showed up and didn't say "I was so nervous", or "I didn't sleep last night", or "I had NO idea what to wear." It was so refreshing to meet new people, and make new friends. It's been even more refreshing watching them befriend each other! We started out slow, and by week two, we began to watch runners blossom! I have to commend them. They literally took every little thing that Irma, Kris and I said to heart, even when it made them look funny! They put in the time, they were patient with us and themselves. And now, over 6 weeks later, we have a crop of runners that will not only succeed in their chosen races, but I'm confident that it will be just the first step in a very long, healthy journey.
We have a wide variety in our group too! New moms, prosecutors, teachers, counselors, stay at home mommy's, newlyweds, business owners, retail executives (can you imagine how hard THAT was during the holidays?), and a host of other successful goal minded men and women. We've run in the heat (yes it is still hot in December at times...), and more than once, our morning crew has braved mid 30's temps at 5:30 am. GUTS!! I think that I speak for all 3 coaches when I say, they have far exceeded our expectations. They got faster quicker. They moved from jogging one minute, to jogging 5-6 minutes in the span of a couple of weeks. Some were novice runners, and we've watched them go from 14 minute milers to swift 10-11 minute milers. We've watched them show up with looser clothes (which is always exciting), and we've watched them improve their times week by week. And most of all, we've been witness to their confidence and drive. And THAT is worth more than anything. I know this is my first group of many runner trainees, but this group will always hold a special place in my heart. They've taught me more about running than I would have ever imagined. They've truly embodied the "anyone can do it" attitude. And even if it's a tough day, they get right back up and come at the next one with a vengeance. They helped us pioneer this program that we hope to continue. And we already have a waiting list for our next session.
After all of this running team craziness started, it was almost hard to imagine what my life had been like before I had people showing up at my house every day to run. And like clockwork, it happened. I had been secretly hoping (and maybe not so secretly hoping) that another opportunity would head my way. And sure enough it did. Renea asked me if I would like to take on a few clients of my own, and begin the process of being not only a running coach, but a personal trainer as well. And I dived in! So I've been working on my certification, and next week, I start training my first crop of clients. Since I'm keeping my "day job," this has been interesting with scheduling, etc. And since we still have more than a month of running team, I'm going to be one busy lady for the next few weeks. But I'm excited, and appreciative!
Speaking of appreciation...
I think this is the biggest thing that I personally, have gotten out of all of this. I do love my "normal" job. I've been a financial advisor for going on 6 years now. And there are days when I leave the office on cloud 9, and days when I leave down and defeated. I've lived and crawled my way through the yo-yo stock market since 2008, and although I know my heart is still very much in the business of making people "financially fit," it has definitely come with it's share of disadvantages as well. A lot of the time, I get frustrated, simply because I don't feel appreciated. A lot of the time, I meet with people day in and day out that aren't very interested or personally invested in what I have to say, even though, I am fully invested in giving them the tools to help themselves. I can say whole-heartedly, this experience with our team, and the experience I've had with my new clients, gives me hope that people do appreciate what I have to say and give. And I'm hopeful and optimistic that this appreciation will spill over from one business to the other. Mostly because, I know that my heart will now be in both, and the new energy I have should translate, since both my business involve helping improve other's lives.
So 2012...you better be good to me!
As far as my training goes, it is coming right along! My next marathon is February 19th, in Austin,TX. And since I was on pace to finish around the 4 hour mark this last time...until the brutal heat hit me...I hope to finish closer to sub 4 hours this time. ANNNDDDDDD....
I've made it known. And I will say it here. I am shooting to qualify for the Boston Marathon in the Fall. I'll need to run a 3:45 marathon to do it. And I can taste it. And being in the gym more with my clients should help. I've run a couple of training runs the past couple of weeks where I've averaged right at or below the BQ pace for up to 10 miles, so I'm confident that with some devoted effort I can make it.
This also means that I'll be diligently trying to pick my race where I will try to qualify. I plan to give myself a break and do a race that is known for it's flat course and cool temps. Any way it turns out, starting this summer, I will be down and dirty going for my BQ time. And maybe I might do a triathlon. Maybe. Maybe.
As for the sometimes dreaded New Years Resolution...
I usually don't believe in them. No one keeps them. BUT this year (and really for the past few months) my main goal has been to do whatever I have to do to STAY POSITIVE. This is something I've struggled with in the past, and something I try to work on every day. A lot of times I fail miserably, but the point is, NOW, I try to pick myself up and move on. Instead of wallowing. So this year I will do my best to stay positive and strong and optimistic (but realistic...) about what I can and can't do. This also means spending time with those that love me, want the best for me, support me, and want to see me succeed. Life it too short to worry about those that tear you down with words or actions. So this year, if you catch me griping on the regular...remind me of this :)! I'm determined to be a realistic "half full" instead of always a "half empty!"
This blog may have a new look soon. I'm checking into it, so stay tuned!
Thanks for cheering me on,