Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ohhhh Holy Tough Mudder!

So I have just a couple of minutes before I run into an appointment for work, and I thought I'd take this opportunity to explain what I'm doing this weekend.

Tough Mudder.

For months, I've lamented to many that I would NEVER EVER NEVER EVER NEVER EVER want to do an obstacle course challenge.  Why?  Because I'm a big ol' weenie, and I'm afraid I'll get hurt.  I hadn't been planning on participating with the 20 or so Bod Squadders that had been signed up and preparing for months.  But 2 weeks ago, this weekend became free...and well, peer pressure...and the fact that I have been rather bored since I finished my marathon...and don't have another distance event for several months...

I caved.

So I'm going to do the Tough Mudder.  Let me share what I know about this event.  Which is surprisingly not a lot.

1.  I will be running (thank the Jesus) 10-12 miles. Easy peasy.
2.  I will be swimming (albeit in SUPER cold water)...for a short distance.
3.  I will be thrown over a wall by one of my teammates.  And I will be expected to land and not die.
4.  I will be trudging through mud for quite some distance.  Better bring some "used" shoes.
5. I will be doing monkey bars.  I will try not to fall.  But I make no guarantees.
6. I will be coming into contact with some sort of barbed wire.  Awesome.
7.  I will be getting shocked.  Not sure how "shocked", but I'm sure it will be super special.
8.  I will be doing the above things with my teammates. Amazing!

There are 22 obstacles???  I know of just the above.  I have not watched a single video.  I refuse.  Why?

I will freak the EFF out.  And that is NOOOOO bueno.  So for me, ignorance is bliss, and I'd rather be surprised by the unpleasantries rather than give myself the opportunity to analyze the bajeezits out of them.  So I'm letting go, and letting Mud (and God).  I'm gonna put on my shoes and hope for the best!

It is sure to be an experience that I will not forget.  And it may (oh may not) plunge me into the vast world of obstacle course races that up until now I have steered clear of.  I realize I am super smart for choosing to do the most difficult one first.  I feel like I chose to do the "marathon of mud" instead of starting with a "5k of mud."  BUT!  I am gonna do it, I am gonna finish it, and I am not going to be the whiny girl on my team.

If I whine (I will be "wining" after this I'm sure..."), I give my teammates full permission to throw mud in my face.

Of course, true to Lacy form (and Bod Squad)...I have an outfit picked out.  Would you expect any less?  We will all be rocking these...

Be prepared for a blog full of pictures and crazy stories from this weekend.  I'm sure I'll have many a story to tell! Say a prayer!  This may be the most exciting active adventure that I've done since I was chased by opossums in the Country Club!

Stay tuned!

Thanks for cheering me on!
