Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lacy's guide to Pacing

Last night, I ran my second training run!  I looked at my schedule, it simply said "1 hour long run," and when I looked in the notes for an explanation, I concluded that this run was to be a long slooooowwww one.  When I started this journey almost 2 years ago, I hopped on a treadmill and set it at a 10 minute mile.  This has become my comfortable speed.  So I took the "sloooowwww" recommendation as...go slower than that.  So I ran for an hour at a 12 minute mile, and by the end, this was excruciating for me.  By mile 4, my right knee ached, my legs felt crampy, and overall, I didn't feel like I could do much more.  My husband evidently thinks the same way when faced with a "sloooowwww" run. When I shared my pace...he simply said "ow."

Going back to when I started, I had no clue how fast (or slow) I should be going.  I just set the treadmill at what felt natural to me.  I've learned by watching and competing that this "natural" pace is different for everyone.  For my husband, his current "natural" pace is around 8:30 minute miles, which is where I begin to feel like I'm pushing it.  My former boss ran a marathon in 3:10, so I'm sure his "natural" pace is even faster than that.  For others, 10 minute miles may seem difficult.  I'm not sure what makes someone faster or slower than everyone around them, and I'm not entirely convinced that anyone's "natural" pace can be sped up or slowed down.  Maybe I'm wrong!?  But I do know, at least for me, there is a point where I think running too slow can actually be detrimental to your joints and the longevity of your runs.  After I completed my hour, just for kicks, I sped it up to about a 9:30 minute mile, and low and behold, I started to feel better.  Almost like I could go for another hour (I didn' was getting late and I was HUNGRY)!  May not work for everyone, but if you start to feel fatigued really early during a casual jog, try speeding up a little...that little push may push you through!

In November, my goal is to finish in about 4:15.  I've calculated this out, and this means I should average about a 9:30 minute mile.  Totally doable, just means I have to push a little harder than I'm comfortable with.  And in a race where adrenaline is flowing, people are running all around you, and there are spectators and inspirational things every where you look, that may simply carry me through.  Regardless, I'm going to try over the next few weeks to defy my own thoughts about a "natural" pace and try and shave :30 off of my comfortable-ness.  Here's hoping!

I also worked out with Renea yesterday!  So yes, I am super proud that I made myself get sweaty and sticky TWO TIMES in one day!  We did some really fun arm stuff that made me grunt and make silly faces, and we also worked my legs with different leg lifts.  Then I took a whirl on "Mr. Trampoline" while holding 5lb weights and bouncing my butt of of it with a hop (sounds funny, but very effective)!
I completed my first session with her without collapsing which was a huge boost for me!  I woke up this morning with quite a sore toosh, and tight arms and abs! YAY!  I LOVE having someone motivate and push me hard, because I know at home I cheat...and she don't let me :)!

This weekend, I have to do another 4 on Saturday followed by 6 miles on Sunday.  And since I got lazy and took Tuesday off, tomorrow, I'll be doing something active.  Usually on Fridays by 5...I can be found cleaning my casa from top to bottom, and cleaning is hard work! Maybe I'll mix in some jumping jacks, push-ups, and crunches in addition to shower/tub scrubbing and hauling my vacuum up and down the stairs.  Anyone wanna help me?

Thanks for cheering me on!


PS:  My hubby is doing an Olympic Triathlon in Austin, Texas in September and he is raising money for cancer research through the LIVESTRONG Foundation.  He's almost to his goal and he's trying to reach it by August 1st!  Every dollar counts!  Thank You!​ls2011/krishealey


  1. Great post, Lacy! I had to laugh at your comment about a 12-mile pace being "sloooowww." This is my fastest pace in a 5-K so far, so when I do my long runs, I'm usually between 13:30 and 14:00. I can't seem to get faster, but I'm hoping it will come. If it doesn't, I'm good with that too. At this point, I don't do a lot of speed work, just trying to make sure I can go 13.1 in November! Oh, and feel free to visit when you need some hills - I don't believe there is a flat 5-K course to be found in our area!

  2. Hey Lacy! I saw your blog post through facebook. I was so glad to see it! I just signed up for my first Half Marathon in Houston in January! I want to try to do another one sooner. Anyway I love reading your blog and I can totally relate. One day I will tackle the Full marathon, but not yet!
