Monday, July 25, 2011

The Flat Out Truth About Hill Training in Harlingen

First day done!  And even though it is considered my "short run" for the week, it was tough.  I actually verbally yelled "this effing sucks" on two separate occasions.

**Side note:  I'm a big fan of yelling while running/lifting weights.  My husband is quite aware (and sometimes embarassed) that it is a given that my temper will most likely flare up at least 2x during a race 13 miles or longer.  My language gets "peppery"...I think it calms me down...and fires me up :)

Today's run was called "4 mile run with 4:00 TUT."  What the heck is a TUT, and why am I doing it for 4 minutes.'s Timed Uphill Training.  So today, I ran uphill for 4 minutes.  I didn't do it all at once.  I separated it out (at 1.35 miles I did a minute and a half, same thing at 2.35 miles, and at 3.4 miles I did one minute).  Now where should one do an uphill run in a city with such vast topography as Harlingen, Texas? My upstairs bedroom.  I did it on the treadmill.  I'm not sure I know of another place in our town where it would allow me to run consistently uphill for over a minute, but if someone else does, do share!

I'm going to admit right now, before I go any further, that I am somewhat of a treadmill addict.  I heart my treadmill (and I heart my Mother that passed it on to me so graciously).  It's hot outside.  And I can guarantee that the next 4-6 weeks will be largely done inside.  This works for me, may not work for everyone though.  I have vowed to do more runs outside this time around, but I am completely okay with the fact that may not happen until about Mid-September because of the heat.

So day one is done!  Gone! It's officially started.  My husband is trying to convince me to run at 4:45 am with the Footworks group.  Not sure if I'll make it.  I'm fairly confident no one wants to be my friend and run with me that early in the morning...I would most likely be downright unpleasant (I am the grumpiest morning person alive, really, I am).  But we'll see! Maybe I'll have a change of heart!  I'll let ya know!

Thanks for cheering me on!



  1. you could run uphill up here in north dakota. Minot has LOTS of hills. :) and we dont have heat either. :) i love living here. i dont miss Harlingen one bit. Best of luck on your running journey Lace!
    - Sarah-Joy

  2. I love cranky lacy in the morning! It makes me seem so cheery in comparison :)
